About This Blog

This blog attempts to chronicle my interest and growing visibility in the shaman's way. As a child I was very open to spirit worlds, and this quality was fostered and nurtured by my parents, my mother especially. In my twenties I found myself immersed in the study and practice of Polarity Therapy, a holistic system of bodywork, counseling, yoga, and nutrition developed by Dr. Randolph Stone. I began my Polarity Practice in 2002, and it is from this point that shamanic doors began to open and I began to journey with my clients. In 2009 a radical series of life events and unexpected doors began to fly open in fast succession. The most deeply touching is that of the whirling dervish, where I was trained and initiated in a five month intensive process. Following the blazing path opened to me, I now work with daily practices combining many forms of bodywork, meditation, yoga, and ecstatic dance. I remain true to the beating heart of Ayahuasca on a personal level, and to the community of the Shuar from which she came to me. My doctorate on spiritual and artistic practice will be completed in 2014. Please share in my personal journey, it is ever growing and ever changing. As we each awaken and New Earth is being co-created, every one of your comments are most welcome. In Eternal Peace~ Hannah Skywalker Dancing Heart

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Full Harvest

Happy Halloween!  Samhain, ancient evening to remember those who have come before us, who have passed through the ecstasies and the shadows of this human condition, whose knowledge and power is available.  A reminder to witness and harness that power. Ohm.  

On this day I tire of endless conversations regarding the shadow.  I rest in light. Soaking up peace, where truth and harmony are wound as sheepswool in the yarn of our story where 'everything is all right, everything is just fine'.  Remembering Ecuador, where dirt roads full of potholes lead to wild untamed beauty and broken flower pots produce glorious flowers.  

Explication dissolves.  Here, some beautiful photos from my neighbourhood at the end of summer, as fall presses herself into the bosom of the earth...  


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