About This Blog

This blog attempts to chronicle my interest and growing visibility in the shaman's way. As a child I was very open to spirit worlds, and this quality was fostered and nurtured by my parents, my mother especially. In my twenties I found myself immersed in the study and practice of Polarity Therapy, a holistic system of bodywork, counseling, yoga, and nutrition developed by Dr. Randolph Stone. I began my Polarity Practice in 2002, and it is from this point that shamanic doors began to open and I began to journey with my clients. In 2009 a radical series of life events and unexpected doors began to fly open in fast succession. The most deeply touching is that of the whirling dervish, where I was trained and initiated in a five month intensive process. Following the blazing path opened to me, I now work with daily practices combining many forms of bodywork, meditation, yoga, and ecstatic dance. I remain true to the beating heart of Ayahuasca on a personal level, and to the community of the Shuar from which she came to me. My doctorate on spiritual and artistic practice will be completed in 2014. Please share in my personal journey, it is ever growing and ever changing. As we each awaken and New Earth is being co-created, every one of your comments are most welcome. In Eternal Peace~ Hannah Skywalker Dancing Heart

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Poetry is a fine wine.  The words bring fervor to the heart, allowing it to open just a crack.  Then, with a little luck, light fills the cracked heart and illuminates the soul.  When the poetry is really good, it sets the soul on fire!!

Some of the most beloved poets flourish in the Sufi tradition.  In Persia, I am told, it is part of the daily life to quote the major poets in daily conversation.  Last autumn, when the changes of the season brought studious yet lively intent into focus, I developed a little project in which I chose one poem and one photograph every day for at least twenty one days.  The purpose was to make love a habit, to integrate a bigger cosmic love into my artistic practices, to be consumed with the poetry of life, as a foundation.  I share it with you here:

Songs of the Beloved 

And one of my favorites, I will print inline. :)


The earth braces itself for the feet
Of a lover of God about to
The sky becomes very timid
When a great saint starts waving his arms
In joy.
For the sky knows its prized fixtures,
The sun, moon, and planets
Could all wind up
Rolling so wild on the floor!
My dear, this world, its laws,
Our perceptions,
Are such a minute part of existence.
Should not all of our suffering and sadness
Be like this:
As just dropped from an infant's palm
That is asleep against the breast
Of God?
The earth braces itself for the feet of Hafiz.
The sky pulls a mirror from its pocket
And is practicing looking
For the Beloved has at last
Opened His arms
And is inviting my heart to eternally


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