About This Blog

This blog attempts to chronicle my interest and growing visibility in the shaman's way. As a child I was very open to spirit worlds, and this quality was fostered and nurtured by my parents, my mother especially. In my twenties I found myself immersed in the study and practice of Polarity Therapy, a holistic system of bodywork, counseling, yoga, and nutrition developed by Dr. Randolph Stone. I began my Polarity Practice in 2002, and it is from this point that shamanic doors began to open and I began to journey with my clients. In 2009 a radical series of life events and unexpected doors began to fly open in fast succession. The most deeply touching is that of the whirling dervish, where I was trained and initiated in a five month intensive process. Following the blazing path opened to me, I now work with daily practices combining many forms of bodywork, meditation, yoga, and ecstatic dance. I remain true to the beating heart of Ayahuasca on a personal level, and to the community of the Shuar from which she came to me. My doctorate on spiritual and artistic practice will be completed in 2014. Please share in my personal journey, it is ever growing and ever changing. As we each awaken and New Earth is being co-created, every one of your comments are most welcome. In Eternal Peace~ Hannah Skywalker Dancing Heart

Monday, April 9, 2012

Deep Healing

Ceremonies flow out of us all the time, we are the earth keepers, we see a moment of opening and we surrender to it, allow spirit to move, erase the schedule and go!  Ceremony and ritual are not so different.  Many people propose that in our modern Western lives we are constantly creating rituals: the time of day and way we take a shower for instance, or the rolling of a cigarette and the making of a cup of coffee, or the listening in on a favourite podcast each week.  We ritualise our lives naturally, and leading a life of ceremony is simply one step further in this direction.  Here I'll share several spontaneous ceremonies with you.
About a year ago there was a serial rapist in our town.  Seven incidences into his spree he attacked and victimised in the field by my house, which I have to ride through in order to get home.  I had to do something.  I contemplated and realised that I could be in fear, cycling round long alternate routes which are well lit, or I could stand in the power of all that is and wait for direction.  I chose the latter.  Two weeks later I woke up and said today is the day.  
I made a bag with ceremonial pieces of kit I might use: cornmeal, a drum, oranges, crackers, tobacco, a blanket.  I walked over through the fields, off the pavement, and looked for my spot.  I saw a circle of grass which thorny flowers had grown up around, forming a protective space.  I walked over and sat down, meditated and waited for impulse.  After a while I layed my blanket out on one side of the circle, my drum next to it...I took the crackers and crushed them in the centre of the circle, offering food to the spirits of the land and asking them to help me...I held the bag of cornmeal and walked and prayed the perimeter of the circle, stopping in each of the four directions to call my guides and thanking them for guidance and presence in this moment...I stood at the centre of the circle and invoked the sky, deep time, and my own heart, offering cornmeal to each one, holding it up to the sun and blowing it on the wind.  
I then picked up my drum and stood there, singing and drumming, for about 20 minutes.  I visualised clear golden light filling the field, the surrounding fields, the town, the town centre, and out beyond the town to the permitter of roads and highways which pass by.  I saw this light growing in size and strength and simply followed it with my mind.  I asked it to resonate so deeply that any resonances of harm, victimhood, pain, and perpetration would have no space to reside in the same space.  At a natural peak in the light and the drumming I quieted down and swayed and hummed more softly.  
After about 20 minutes of this I didn't know what to do anymore so I sat down and waited.  Within about two minutes a man walked up and asked what I was doing.  I told him the story and explained that I was doing ceremony to clear the space.  His eyes perked up and he asked if he could stay.  I invited him into the circle and he sat down.  He then asked me if I was a witch.  I said to him, "Well, this is sort of a witchy thing to do isn't it?  But it's really more of an ancient thing."  We talked about the necessity of ceremony in our lives and I shared my dismay that it took something so drastic to get me out onto the land, out doing ceremony to begin with.  He agreed with this and mused on the way ancient people must have lived, in relationship to ceremony all the time, guarding and developing their communities this way, and how it is sad that we no longer live like this. 
The energy then shifted and I noted to myself that this man could potentially be the victimiser himself, spirit could do that, and I felt the tensions that were coming up.  The man then began to postulate on the need of the victimiser to express himself, that he probably had a hard life and a bad childhood, and he needed compassion rather than judgement.  I asked spirit what to say!  What came out was that no matter what we have lived through and experienced we are responsible for our actions and that it is never one persons right to harm another.  I spoke about the need for women to be safe from such actions and that while the perpetrator may need help it is ultimately up to him to find and give compassion to himself, to take the difficult steps to his own light of his own volition.  I surrounded this man before me and the unknown perpetrator with the same golden light and we sat there in silence.  

I then felt that the ceremony was closed.  I offered the man oranges to eat and set a few in the centre of the circle.  I thanked the spirits and released them.  I gathered my belongings and walked away, leaving in the direction away from home, going the long way just in case he decided to follow me.  There were no more incidences.  
If you are brave and listen and follow, making and doing ceremony on your own, it is good to ask, how do I know if I have done any good, how do I know if anything has happened?  Classic signs are the rushing of a large gust of wind, or several, out of place and at key moments in the ceremony.  Birds will also begin to chirp in different than usual patterns, and sometimes surround the space singing from multiple places. 

In the field ceremony the cows from the neighbouring field came and circled around me while I was drumming.  They formed a fortress which held me, they licked my feet, and at deep clearing moments they shit all over the outside of the circle.  They were in it with me and I thanked them deeply.  

Bodily sensations also tell us what is happening energetically.  A rise in heat, cold, muscular tension, or tingles often let me know when I am on to something which is moving.  Some people hear different cosmic sounds or certain animals present themselves at the start of the moment.  We are a part of the unseen world, our bodies hearts and minds, and it is helpful to pay attention.
Another ceremony which happens sometimes is a fire ceremony.  On this particular occasion I had invited friends over for a party.  I built a fire and we were hanging out and then they all sort of asked for ceremony!  Not a party, I thought, but ok, let's go spirit!  I wasn't prepared so I asked internally, what do I do?  I drew on the years of ceremonial womens circles I had been a part of in North Carolina and went and got paper and pens.  I asked people to write down anything they would like to get rid of, or any seed they wanted to crack open and manifest.  I then instructed them to put the paper in the fire and watch the crap burn away, the new seeds open for germination.  This was powerful for the people and they really appreciated it.  
I then began to sing.  I got some old dry branches from inside my house and shook blessings over each person.  I visualised light surrounding them and darkness flying away from their person.  I asked spirit to bring to life each of their unique gifts to they could be seen and developed.  This was really good! 

And then a woman walked in, through the front gate, through the front garden, down the side passage, and said to us, "Is something spiritual going on here?"  We said yeah and she sat down.  She then began to tell us about her boyfriend who had committed suicide the week before.  She cried and several people layed hands on her, praying in a way, comforting her, listening.  We sang some more and she just talked and sat in waves.  It turns out she is a neighbour from around the corner and she was just following her impulse, came in from off the street as she was walking by.  She thanked us all deeply and left about 1.5 hours later.  We were all amazed and we hung out a bit more, the fire got stoked, and eventually everyone went home.  
Simple, clear, following, allowing space for healing and human evolution as it presents itself.  Everyone that night was a healer, not just me.  We share all our experience.

Deep Floresta/Be the Light

Much Love to you readers!  Happy Easter Monday.  x x x

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