About This Blog

This blog attempts to chronicle my interest and growing visibility in the shaman's way. As a child I was very open to spirit worlds, and this quality was fostered and nurtured by my parents, my mother especially. In my twenties I found myself immersed in the study and practice of Polarity Therapy, a holistic system of bodywork, counseling, yoga, and nutrition developed by Dr. Randolph Stone. I began my Polarity Practice in 2002, and it is from this point that shamanic doors began to open and I began to journey with my clients. In 2009 a radical series of life events and unexpected doors began to fly open in fast succession. The most deeply touching is that of the whirling dervish, where I was trained and initiated in a five month intensive process. Following the blazing path opened to me, I now work with daily practices combining many forms of bodywork, meditation, yoga, and ecstatic dance. I remain true to the beating heart of Ayahuasca on a personal level, and to the community of the Shuar from which she came to me. My doctorate on spiritual and artistic practice will be completed in 2014. Please share in my personal journey, it is ever growing and ever changing. As we each awaken and New Earth is being co-created, every one of your comments are most welcome. In Eternal Peace~ Hannah Skywalker Dancing Heart

Monday, September 19, 2011


Healing and Medicine. Hand in Hand. Sun and Moon. Water and Earth. Fire and Wind. Symbiosis.  

Elementally, medicine is the ether, the space which balances, the precision of metal, the place behind all psychic constructs where form and formless meet.  At least, that is my experience of medicine in the most ancient profound sense.  We all recognize that drugs and surgery, allopathic bandaids, do not work at healing and as such, cannot be considered true medicine.  For two centuries, maybe three, they have provided benefit, but at a cost to the next several centuries which is astronomical. Tell me, do you really want to give your infant water saturated with antidepressants, birth control, and resistant strains of bacteria? Are hysterectomies really the answer to menopause?  While pig valves in the heart and organ transplants have saved us much grief and provided opportunity for longer or more intense soul growths among the population, we have by and large utilized our capacity for ingenious technology in seeking ways to mask and numb ourselves.  Where is the healing in that?

As a female shaman, or healer, or artist, or writer, I try to seek out the root of problems in consciousness, or issues, to unfurl them from darkness and lay them upon a quality of light for exposure and witness. This differs from methods which cure by confrontation.  The warrior ways are also effective, and sometimes I employ them, but in general I prefer coaxing, journeying, or deep hanging out, so that depths may empty of themselves and create individually perfect paths toward wholeness.  Paths which lead into a presence of being co-created and co-embodied in the moment.  Shamanistic or energetic methods may not keep one from death, they may not bypass grief or discomfort, but they will provide a watershed of healing at the soul level.  And this, this is why we are here on the planet!  

Our medicines, they can work in concert with the 'modern' systems of science, especially in the next 50 years or so while we collectively shift our major thought patterns about healing.  For example, energetic modalities do wonders to heal the trauma from surgeries, and are already prescribed widely across South America following face lifts!  Plant medicine holds us in her own ways.  And loving kindness is in high demand :)  At physical, subtle, causal, divine levels, there are medicines here for us to receive in the now, medicines which will shape our futures and our bodies toward harmony.  

Each shaman, lightworker, bodyworker, will have their personal set of methods, won by deep personal questing and burning in the fires of purification.  The resonance of healings any one of us can share is equal to the persons we will encounter who require our healing.  For me, I am committed to truth, to the breaking up of anything in the way of a powerful and beautiful life.  Nourishment shall come from light, from source, and all possible obstacles shall be cleared while the one who needs healing is held, held in a deep embrace.  The web and matrix of interconnection is so deft, so subtle and precise that as we just get out of the way resonances naturally flow and meet up. 

Let us open our arms!

1 comment:

  1. Once we brake out of the visious cyrcle: unconsciousness-control-institution-so called doctor-pills,drugs and "anti"biotic treatments.we will awake to the world where health equal balance and balance means being in touch with our truth self.future of light light ,merriage of the spirit and form!
    thank you for your inlightening words Hannah.xx
